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March 26, 2020 – Closing of Recreational Facilities

The Northampton MUD is adopting the regulations of the Harris County Stay at Home, Work Safe Order which established rules for individuals and businesses. Exceptions include Essential Government Functions and Essential Critical Infrastructure. These exceptions are modeled after the Department of Homeland Security regulations. The District is continuing normal operational status of water and wastewater facilities.

The Harris County Order does, however, affect the District’s recreational facilities. To comply with this order, the District has closed the fitness center, tennis center, swimming pools, and facility restrooms. Additionally, the playgrounds are closed. We appreciate the patience and understanding of our residents. The District wishes to keep the health and safety of our residents our priority.

March 26, 2020 – Closing of Recreational Facilities2020-03-26T13:53:03-05:00

March 26, 2020 – A Message from Hays Utility South

Hays Utility South hopes all is well with everyone. We are maintaining full operations, maintenance, and open for day to day business. We are taking precautions to protect all our employees and have limited customer contact. We have closed our lobby and are asking customers to utilize telephone and online payments. If they must come to the office to make a payment, we have a drop box for them to leave their payments in.

Your drinking water is safe. The coronavirus is inactivated by normal water treatment and has not been found in the water supply. More information can be found at:  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s website.

For accurate and official information about your water and wastewater service, please visit the Hays website

March 26, 2020 – A Message from Hays Utility South2020-03-26T13:51:56-05:00

March 14, 2020 – Northampton MUD Meeting Canceled and Weight Room and Pools Closed

The District is closely monitoring Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s guidelines concerning the Corona virus as well as Harris County and Klein ISD announcements.

We have determined, for the health and safety of our residents, staff, and others who would attend the scheduled Board meeting on March 16, 2020, the meeting has been canceled.

Additionally, the weight room and pools are closed until further notice.

The MUD Board Directors and Staff appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

March 14, 2020 – Northampton MUD Meeting Canceled and Weight Room and Pools Closed2020-03-16T10:26:59-05:00
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