Keeping an Eye on Your Water – Smart Meters
When it comes to water, now more than ever, every drop counts. Therefore, the Northampton MUD has equipped your home with a smart water meter. These systems help residents make informed decisions about their water usage and help improve water conservation. Additionally, these meters utilize electronic sensors to measure water flow and are more accurate, especially during low flow usage
Benefits of Smart Meters
Smart meters allow residents the ability to track their water usage and provide benefits including:
- Accurate meter recording and access to your account via the web or smart phone app
- Your meter readings are taken consistently on the same day each month, so you can predict your billing
- You can follow your consumption hourly to track your highest usage periods for conservation
- A graphic depiction of your water use will enable you to minimize use during those times, i.e., shorten your irrigation time, or wash only full loads of dishes or clothing
- You can monitor and adjust water usage to stay within a billing price tier
- Leak detection in your household
App for Smart Meter
The Eye on Water app offers customers the ability to keep an “Eye on Their Water” thereby assisting in conversation and cost reduction. Once installed you will be able to register on-line to monitor your water use. Flow is measured electronically at hour intervals and updated every 24 hours for billing and leak detection. There is also an app available for smartphones from iTunes and GooglePlay, allowing you to check your meter from your iPhone or Android at any time.
To register go to
Smart Meter Account Set-up Information
Your smart meter will allow you to make informed decisions about your water usage. To get the most benefit from your new meter, please take the time to create an account at
After you register your meter you will see graphical representations of your water use which will help you lower your water cost and conserve water. You can also set up leak detection notifications.
You will need your water bill account number. Follow these step-by-step instructions below to register on your computer:
- Visit on your computer using a supported web browser
- Click on the Create Account
- Enter your service area zip code:
- Select: Northampton MUD
- Enter your billing account number – example 75140-XXXXXXXXXX
- Enter your name and email address
- Create and confirm a password
- You will get a confirmation email from BEACON. You must verify your email address by clicking on this link. Once you do, you can sign in using your email and password
To register on your phone or tablet, please follow these steps:
You will need your water bill account number (75140-XXXXXXXXXX). Follow these step-by-step instructions below to register using an app on your phone or tablet:
- Go to the App Store on your Android or iPhone and search for “eye on water” (Note if using an iPad make sure to select iPhone only from the drop-down menu)
- Download the free App to your iPhone or Android Phone
- Open the App
- Tap on the Register button
- Tap on “Enter your account information manually”
- Enter your Zip Cod
- Select your water provider
- Enter your Account ID – example 75140-XXXXXXXXXX
- Tap on the Next button
- Enter a valid e-mail address
- Create and confirm a password
- Verify that you have read the Terms of Service
- Tap on the Next button
- An email will be sent to the address you provided
- Click or tap on the link in the email to verify it is valid
- You can now sign into your account
Please note you cannot create a leak alert from the app please use
You may contact the Northampton MUD at 281-376-3499 if you have questions.
If Your Smart Meter Has Detected a Leak
A leak is determined if the meter records continuous flow through the meter every quarter hour for twenty-four hours. Common causes are sprinkler system leaks, leaking toilets, or a dripping faucet. We urge you to check your home for potential problems.
To Establish If You Have A Leak on Your Service Line
Shut off the water service valve where it enters the house. Do not turn on any faucets or flush any toilets during this phase of the test. Also shut off the water supply to the sprinkler system.
Check the meter for flow. Open the cap of the meter to display the digital readout. If the digital readout is showing flow, there is a water leak between the meter and the house. If there is no flow of water, there is no leak between the meter and the house.
If There Is No Leak Between the Meter and The House, Check Your Toilets for A Silent Leak
Open the water service valve to the house. Check for flow. If all faucets are closed and no toilets are being flushed, and there is flow, a toilet may be leaking.
If You Have A Sprinkler System
Shut off the water service valve where it enters the house. If there is no meter flow, open the valve to the sprinkler system (do not activate the sprinkler system, just open the water supply to the system). If the meter now indicates a flow then there may be a leak in the supply line to the sprinkler, a valve to each circuit, (or in the case of automatic sprinklers, a solenoid valve to each circuit), or a combination of any. If so, you may want to call a plumber or a landscape irrigation company to investigate further.
It is the utility district’s desire for each resident to use as little water as possible, and for each to get the full benefit of what is paid for. Please always heed the red flag warning of a high-water bill or leak detected by your smart meter and act promptly to resolve the issue.